With only eleven days to go until our Annual Halloween Costume Party I am getting anxious to decorate! However, as the party is at my parents’ house this year, I can’t just jump up and go spookify something at a moment’s notice. But, I was there last weekend getting a head start on the haunting of Fort Guthrie. We are trying a little different theme for our dining room decor (the living room being the “dining room” for the party). Instead of our typical "Halloweeny” pumpkins and ghosts with orange and black everywhere, this year I wanted to go for a haunted mansion look. Think Miss Havisham’s parlor. I am loving the Dollar Tree’s freaky fabric and black crows this year! Lots of potential for spookying up the place, and you can’t beat that price! :) Here is a glimpse of the haunted fireplace mantel that Papa and I put together:
Here’s a stray silver pitcher that the lady of the manor absent-mindedly placed on the mantel. An assortment of crystal candlesticks with blood red tapers light the ruined and rotten mantel scarf.
This little possibles box can’t contain the creature within as it tries to make its escape…
…while a lone black bird perches momentarily atop a stack of neglected books, gathering dust.
Overlooking the antiquated scene, a spider makes his way along the family portrait wall.
A dead bouquet of flowers serves only to gather cobwebs in this ruined mansion.
Across the room, a colony of bats is startled up from the basement; tearing through filthy, rotten wall hangings as they seek an escape…
What do you think? You like the look?
I am so excited! Can’t wait to finish the decor!
I have family portrait silhouettes for the dining room that I am excited to show you, too, so check back soon for all the spooky fun!
Happy Almost Halloween!
I now feel lame. Does Mike help with any of this?