
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

More Spooky Spaces—The haunting of Fort Guthrie continues

Last time I showed you our Halloween mantel and since then I have been busy adding more spooky décor for our upcoming annual Halloween bash.  First I want to share our invitation which I created using a vintage sheet music background that I found at the Graphics Fairy. I added all the text and embellishments on top. 

fallen oaks invite

The party really isn’t in Fallen Oaks… but that is the spooky city name that Michael came up with. :)  Anyway, I think our invitation is pretty cool.  If I keep upping the creativity scale every year soon I will have maxed out my creative potential.  Onwards, to the décor!

Here is where we left in the living room:


And since then I have added decorations in purple, black and silver to the bookcase on the short wall.

It’s sporting a purple and black tinsel garland and some white lights along with an assortment of accessories on top, including a witch hat and glitter broom! :) 



Here it is all lit up at night and with some purple LED candles added.  These are really pretty up close!  They were on clearance at Michael’s.



Gotta love these smartphone camera pics that are all weird sizes. :)

We are bringing back the graveyard from last year, but this time instead of painting it on the wall, we decided to cut it out of foam board so we can keep it from year to year.  I love it!


And instead of creepy cloth which Mama didn’t like over the graveyard, I hung a few spooky branches from the ceiling and perched some ravens on top.  It is awesome (if a bit dangerous to sit under??).  Here’s Dracula drifting beneath on the other side.


The banister got a spruce with some garbage bag garland and purple beads and bows and purple lights.  I haven’t taken a good shot of that yet.  And the mice have infested the stairway again.  Those mice!  Can’t seem to get rid of them this time of year. ;)

In the rest of the house, I’ve decked the dining room with a trick or treat theme (since that’s where all the delicious sweets will be) and a colorful scheme of green, orange, black and purple.


The glittery jack-o-lanterns are from Walmart, and they light up!  Piles of pumpkins are on the buffet until the desserts will replace them at party time. 




I made this banner with scrapbook paper and printed letters.  I saw the idea here and decided to make it myself.


And the parlor is festooned with hanging bats and creepy cloth, which I will show you next time!  I still have tons of stuff to add, so I’ll be back to share more as it gets closer to Halloween! :)

Only two weeks to go!


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