
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mulch Madness Part Two

I am back with an update from the backyard.  :) I have been spending every free moment outside, it seems, tidying up from fall and winter and preparing for Spring!  But today I spent some time outside taking photos and enjoying my yard instead of working in it!

Now you can enjoy it, too!

Last time I told you about mulching the front beds, but all the while we have been slowly filling in the English garden which took three loads of mulch! Ack!  It hasn’t been mulched in two years so it really needed it!  And the best part about the English garden is that to get mulch down there you have to drive your wheelbarrow through the woods beside the fence and into the gate at the side of the garden.  Then back up the hill to get more.  It is no fun… but thankfully I had Mama helping me with the process!  And now it is done.  Hooray!



We added some more coral bells along the left of the pathway…


And put some ferns on the right side.




Plus we added fresh rock dust to the path which was looking a little neglected.  Now it is much neater!


We also leveled and relayed the brick patio under the missing swing while we were at.  It got a fresh layer of rock dust, too.  When we finally get the swing hung up again, I’ll show you the before and after of the patio. :)




Ta da!  All finished!


And here is the before and after comparison, just for fun…



And since that is kind of cheating, here is one from last year:


Can’t wait for my snowball bush to bloom again! :) And for all the liriope to sprout! 

I’ll be back with plenty more updates to the yard…  so stay tuned!


P.S.  The English Garden now has its own category so you can follow the progress with one click!  Here it is!  Or find it under “Category” in the right sidebar anytime.  :)

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