
Saturday, May 04, 2013

More Spring Flowers

I just can’t help myself, I had to share some more beautiful Spring blooms with you!  So I took a walk around the yard to document the most beautiful blooms of May (so far)! 

Everyday when I come to the front door I am greeted by these sunshiny happy yellow violas that I planted back in March.  They have come out in a flourish these past weeks and are jumping up to see the sun!  Aren’t they cute?


And I couldn’t let these magnificent pink flowers fade without featuring my huge bleeding heart plant.  I just love this beautiful bloom! 


Nearby the azaleas are finally putting on their Spring show… they were a little later this year, but that’s fine with me!  Spring can last forever as far as I’m concerned! :)


The red rhododendron in front is getting into the act, too, with a few blooms popping out.  Riley is also popping out (of the guest room window). hehe


I discovered a couple of new nurseries around the area and I have been putting in my annuals for the season.. along the walk we have alternating dark and light pink petunias.  These have giant blooms and they drew me right in, so I opted for petunias instead of impatiens this year… we’ll see how they like it here in the “part sun”.



The mailbox bed is showing off with yellow irises.  And my pink knockout rose is just about to bloom, too!



And while I was out flower shopping I designed a new combination of plants for my hanging baskets.  All shade dwellers (instead of sun things like I have done in the past) which I’m hoping will last a bit longer in the baskets. 


It’s a chartreuse and pink color scheme featuring magenta and lime coleus, (I think this one is called “Kong Rose”) hot pink and light pink New Guinea impatiens and golden sweet potato vine.  I can’t wait to see these things take off and spill out of the baskets! :)


I also planted some more annuals just today, so I’ll be back to show you those soon!  Hope you are enjoying these wonderful Spring days, I know I am!


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