
Saturday, June 08, 2013

Roses, Petunias and Geraniums, Oh My!

It’s finally June and the summer flowers are getting ready to put on a show!  So I figured I’d better finish up reporting on the Spring flowers.   My knockout roses have been busting out blooms and the petunias are getting bushier every week.  I have been adding some more flowers to the mailbox bed since I decided not to put tomatoes in there this year.  In front I added a row of dahlias and pink petunias.  The dahlias are slow, but the petunias are looking good. 


I brought up another knockout rose from the front bed to match the other side of the mailbox.  It’s a hot pink one.


The other one is pale pink, and HUGE!  I’m going to have to trim it back.  It’s taking over!



And in the center I added a potted bougainvillea.  I love this plant!  I have never had one before, but it looks so cool!  I hope it does well up here.


And there behind the mailbox post is my clematis, which is being overshadowed by the monster rose bush. :)  Poor thing.  It’s looking pretty, though.


Meanwhile, I got some new plants for the porch pots, too.  I took out the yellow violas and put fuchsia and pink geraniums and some white lobelia in its place.  They are very pretty, but I’m thinking about moving them to the deck where they might actually see the light of day…



In other container updates, my fence baskets are flourishing!  I didn’t remember how small they were until I looked back at the original pictures, but they are so tall and bushy now!  And the sweet potato vine is really taking off.  Yay!


We also added blue salvia plants in front of the fence.  They are so pretty!




I am loving all my summer blooms!  The hydrangeas are about to bust out and there are a few lilies and astilbe starting to bloom in the back.  Plus I have an update from the English garden coming soon!  Stay tuned!

signature pink

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