We finally got around to painting and decorating the guest room. It was a long process, but the results were worth the wait!
We introduced our DIY ottoman coffee table in the living room and banished the Queen Anne style one to the den. We also got a new console table (not pictured).
We built new stairs leading into our English garden, too, and fancied up the space with a new bench. We also had several gum trees around the property cut down and a few other trees trimmed, which lead to fewer leaves and gum balls this fall.
I also finally got around to refinishing the vanity and painting the guest bathroom. I am so pleased with how this project turned out, and will be doing a similar treatment to the master bath, soon!
2010 was a busy year for my paint brush! The den got new colors from top to bottom. We also finished the den’s two upholstered wingchairs! (The second chair is not pictured… I would go take an updated picture for you, but the den is currently wearing Christmas attire.)
We re-carpeted the second set of stairs, so now all the stairs have the same carpet.
I spread the painting joy upstairs, too and tackled the dining room. This room also got updated with new chair cushions!
Our last major accomplishment this year was power washing the exterior of the house and deck. What a difference that made!
There were a lot of things we didn’t get accomplished this past year, and those things will go on our to-do list for 2011. Here is our wish list for the upcoming year:
- Redecorate master bathroom with new lighting, faucet, paint, refinish vanity, and frame mirror. Woot!
- Repaint office, kitchen, and bedroom, possibly even the living room, hallway, and foyer?
- Build fancy new shared desk for office.
- Replace grungy carpet in den with laminate floors FINALLY! Please say 2011 is the magic year!
- Curtains for den windows (botched attempt #1 in 2010).
- Install shelving in garage for storage
- Convince Michael to let me paint the kitchen cabinets!
- Landscape mailbox bed, mulch backyard beds.
- Rebuild deck… another year passes and I still have to write this on the list….
- Make plans to clear out back line of property for a sunny vegetable garden!
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