Wednesday, June 13, 2012

English Garden Revisited (again)

The English garden is one of my favorite blog topics.  It has so much potential for improvement that its easy to update and show you the fantastic results!  This week I'm back to show you the finished paver pathway and a few new plants, too, of course.

Here's where we left off last time (back in April!):

All the plants were just sprouting for the Spring and the leaves hadn't yet filled it and sapped the sunshine.

Here's what it looks like now:

BOOM!  Summer is here!  And we finished laying out our paver pathway around the planting bed.  The liriope border continues over to the other side of the garden, now and the pathway winds its way over to the swing on this side, too. 

We also added some more hostas (yes... more!  I know...but you can never have enough hostas) and also a couple of coral bells in bright green for some contrast.   It's really starting to look "finished" now.  I didn't really appreciate how unfinished it looked until I saw the before pics.
  We also transplanted some coleus and impatiens down here.

Here is my favorite view:


The swing is still missing because I haven't repainted it yet.  Bad Sarah.  And we also need mulch... badly.  Don't worry, I'll get there...

Happy Summer!