Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dishwasher Discovery

Last night our friend, Abby, was visiting and pointed out a startling discovery! She mentioned that our dishwasher cover panels are reversible!! So, this morning after a few minutes of internet research to find which trim pieces to pop off, I quickly flipped the biscuit colored cover panels to shiny black! How fabulous!

Here's a look at our dishwasher BEFORE the flip:

(not exactly--I had already flipped the bottom panel before I remembered to take a before picture--that's how fast it was)

And AFTER-- the stunning transformation.

Something about having the existing black trim and the new black panels all the same color makes the whole thing look new and sophisticated (sophisticated, you say? a dishwasher?) Well, I think so. :)

Just had to share this amazingly simple (and FREE!) transformation with you. Now, if only our oven front was reversible, too! :) hehe